Evaluating ecological quality in the north-eastern Black Sea coastal zone 

Wilson J.G., Komakhidze A., Osadchaya T., Alyomov S., Romanov A., Tediashvili M. 

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 57 (1-5), 2008, pp. 202-207 

Digitized fluorescent RFLP analysis (fRFLP) as a universal method for comparing genomes of culturable dsDNA viruses: application to bacteriophages 

Merabishvili M., Verhelst R., Glonti T., Chanishvili N., Krylov V., Cuvelier C., Tediashvili M., Vaneechoutte M. 

Research in Microbiology, 158 (7), 2007, pp. 572-581 

Pycnometric, viscometric and calorimetric studies of the process to release the double-stranded DNA from the Un bacteriophage 

Mdzinarashvili T.J., Mrevlishvili G.M., Khvedelidze M.M., Ivanova A.T., Janelidze N., Kiziria E.L., Tushishvili D.G., Tediashvili, M.I., Kemp R.B. 

Biophysical Chemistry, 124 (1), 2006, pp. 43-51 

Diversity of Bacillus anthracis strains in Georgia and of vaccine strains from the former Soviet Union 

Merabishvili M., Natidze M., Rigvava S., Brusetti L., Raddadi N., Borin S., Chanishvili N., Tediashvili, M., Sharp, R., Barbeschi, M., Visca, P., Daffonchio D. 

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (8), 2006, pp. 5631-5636

A viscosimetric study of thermally induced ejection of ds-DNA from the Un phage 

Mdzinarashvili T.Dzh., Ivanova A.T., Al'-Zaza M., Tediashvili M.I., Tushishvili D.G., Mrevlishvili G.M. 

Biofizika, 46 (4), 2001, pp. 625-630

Differential scanning calorimetry and hydrodynamic study of bacterial viruses: About possible heat effects in hermetically closed calorimetric vessels with free volume above the liquid 

Mrevlishvili G.M., Sottomayor M.J., Ribeiro Da Silva M.A.V., Mdzinarashvili T.D., Al-Zaza M., Tediashvili M., Tushishvili D., Chanishvili N. 

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 66 (1), 2001, pp. 115-121

Differential scanning calorimetry and hydrodynamic study of bacterial viruses: Effect of solution conditions 

Mrevlishvili G.M., Sottomayor M.J., Ribeiro Da Silva M.A.V., Mdzinarashvili T.D., Al-Zaza M., Tediashvili M., Tushishvili D., Chanishvili N. 

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 66 (1), 2001, pp. 103-113

Phages and their application against drug-resistant bacteria 

Chanishvili N., Chanishvili T., Tediashvili M., Barrow P.A. 

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 76 (7), 2001, pp. 689-699

Quality-controlled small-scale production of a well-defined bacteriophage cocktail for use in human clinical trials 

Merabishvili M., Pirnay J.-P., Verbeken G., Chanishvili N., Tediashvili M., Lashkhi N., Glonti T., Krylov V. , Mast J., Van Parys L., Lavigne R., Volckaert G., Mattheus W., Verween G., De Corte P., Rose T., Jennes S., Zizi M., De Vos D., Vaneechoutte, M. 

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